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Sew Calm Shop

I love sewing in a straight line, don't ask me why. I've never been a skilled seamstress or quilter or embroiderer, but without fail, if I am sewing a simple straight stitch, I am the most calm, centered and happy that I've ever been.  I googled if there were any mental health benefits to sewing and was thrilled to find that there are many, it's basically as good as meditation!   I started googling sewing meditation and sure enough there is a whole movement! I've started a YouTube channel to stitch and chat about life and healing, created Slow Stitching Workshops on Gumroad and an Etsy shop to sell kits for slow stitching (Sew Calm Shop).  You can also book a session with me to talk about creative healing or releasing creativity blocks ($75/hour).  I'm so excited to be exploring the beautiful and healing world of slow stitching and hope you'll join me! Much love, xoxo

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Celebrating and empowering womxn, Trans and Intersex folx in fostering a loving relationship with themselves and their bodies through the sharing of art that features front sex/vulvas in all their unique forms.    

50% of proceeds go to National Network of Abortion Funds.

Originals and portraits can be ordered by contacting me directly. Prints and various items (cups, shirts, blankets, etc.) can be purchased through RedBubble.

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